Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mission ahead

I am quite an introvert to a stranger, but once introduced will bug like a busy bee. I was affected by the so called exam fear for the past three years which spoiled my engineering life. But now being out of college, I am alone and was thinking over where I went wrong. In a vow to hit back I took many steps to get rid of the so called tag "TESTOPHOBIA". By God's grace I am feeling a lot better now. Hope to do better in future. As a test to my new avatar I have my semester exams ahead next month. Hope to clear all my arrears next month.


RiP666 said...

good day my friend...
hope u can through it all & face bright future...
we'll count on u.
take care

Anonymous said...

i have testophobia,
and i don't know how to get rid of it...
it's ruining my life,
i'm at school, and just about to start my GCSE spanish and science, but i have panic attacks and end up running out of the room when i have tests.
how can i get rid of it?