There is a proverb "Time once lost can never be got back".
We have come past the academic year 2008. The days of 2008 will never ever come in any of our life in future. But the memories of those days will surely come in font of our eyes. I had an equal number of good and bad days in 2008 for sure.
But those memories which are a bitter pill to swallow are still in my throat. One of those days is the day i left my college, the last exam of our last semester. Those moments were really hard to come across.
Along with 2008 i have missed many of my friends of my college. I am sure those funny days of 2008 will not return. But hope to meet those friend in my upcoming years.
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hello friend :)
happy new year to you!
and cheers to the success of your blog!
thank you!
happy new year. hope the inner war there will end soon.
god bless! fruitful year.
nice post.... be a great at next year... :)
nice info ! thank you
Well written post, thanks
hello nice blog
happy new year 2013
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Ikutan berkunjung deh, salam kenal :)
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